Projekty UE

PROTECO MACHINES is implementing the project co-financed by European Funds “Development of a prototype system to stabilize the facade washing machine on the building wall during the washing process””
The aim of the project is to develop, in cooperation with a research unit, a prototype of a system for horizontal stabilization of building façade washing machine operation. The result of the project will be the extension of the range of products offered for sale on the market and the possibility of providing facade cleaning services in conditions, which have so far prevented work due to the lack of possibility of stable operation of the machine. Implementing a significant improvement will allow to obtain a competitive advantage over other facade cleaning machines offered in Europe and in the world and to improve the competitiveness of services provided by increasing labour productivity, contributing to a greater share in the facade cleaning market. In addition, the new functionality of the machine will improve the safety of working at height..
Total project value: 388.557,00 PLN
EU funding for the project: 268.515,00 PLN
Project completion date: 31.03.2022.
The project is implemented under the Operational Programme Intelligent Development, Priority Axis II Support for the environment and business potential for R&D&I, Measure 2.3 Pro-innovative services for enterprises, Sub-measure 2.3.2 Innovation vouchers for small and medium-sized enterprises, under a grant agreement with the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development.